Thursday, November 30, 2006

Velux 5 oceans !!! Isso é que é competição de barcos !

A foto é do sono merecido depois de 40 dias e 40 noites de Bernard Stamm. Curioso é observar o quanto os barcos pretendem ser leves. Olhe ao fundo, não há tratamento de luxo nenhum nos barcos, senão a própria carcaça. Hoje conversando com o Robert Scheidt e com o Bruno Prada, que vão disputar a vaga olímpica na Star de Torben (que por sinal pode ficar de fora mesmo já que tem a idéia de mais uma edição da Volvo), me diseram que os barcos tem 60 pés e que os caras são uns malucos em disputarem essa competição (isso eu não tinha dúvida).

For the forty days and forty nights of the VELUX 5 OCEANS race, Swiss skipper, Bernard Stamm has lead the fleet since a destructive Bay of Biscay storm swept through the yachts only 70 hours after the start in Bilbao, Spain. This afternoon's 15:08 UTC position poll shows Cheminees Poujoulat is averaging speeds of just under 15 knots as Stamm continues to climb north-east towards Fremantle, Western Australia, and the end of Leg 1.
Earlier today, he sent a brief e-mail to the race organisation reporting on conditions and his status. For Stamm, backing-off the pace is an unfamiliar practice, but he has still managed to cover 356 miles in the past 24 hours:
"The temperature is rising and it is really a good thing. I could sleep for the first time during 1 hour three times. Back in the world of living people. I try to find a good speed without taking any risk. It is not easy and it is not usual to sail like this. Normally we put the accelerator on full ahead, it is easier. But it's OK, no problem on board."

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